Chronicle of wooden crafts and commerce in Gahlenz / Hammerleubsdorf
- 1600s to 1918 -
1600s Construction of a mill on the site of today’s factory, later annexing of a sawmill with carpentry shop.
Late 1800s Construction of the factory building and barn.
1896 Messrs. Hofmann and Helbig establish the “Kunstanstalt für Innendekoration” (Interior Design Institute) in Gahlenz. Production and sales of wall shelving, decorative wall art and branded wood carvings.
post 1918 Production shifts to kitchen furniture.
  ehemaliges Sägewerk, wo sich heute der repräsentative Verkaufsraum befindetDorfumzug vor dem BetriebGahlenz in den 30er Jahren des 20.Jh

Logo Sternkopf Holzkunstwood at its most beautiful